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How to maintain the dental chair?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-14      Origin: Site


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Dental chair is a huge financial investment for most medical institutions, and if something goes wrong, repair or replacement costs will be high. Many dental chairs are composed of tiny parts, these parts form a complex and sensitive internal structure, with the passage of time and continuous use, these parts may be damaged. Malfunctioning dental chair poses a potential danger to both the patient and the user; therefore, failure to comply with the manufacturer's maintenance agreement may inadvertently put the patient at risk, and prevention is much better than treatment. Let’s find more about the dental chair maintenance.


The following knowledge points are listed below:

Ø Dental chair regulations check

Ø Manufacturer recommendations

Ø Hand instruments

Ø Suction equipment

Ø Electrical Equipment

1. Regulations check

To ensure that the risk of dental chair equipment failure is minimized, all equipment should be reviewed to check the useful life and last use date of each piece of dental chair . Since 1998, the law has stipulated that all medical devices must have the "CE" mark to indicate that the product is of high quality and manufactured in accordance with health and safety standards. This special legislation was introduced to protect patients and users from non-fail protection products. When buying a new dental chair , be sure to check whether it is compatible with the existing device and whether it is suitable for use, remembering that the cheapest option is not always the best.

2. Manufacturer recommendations

When using the dental chair the team must follow the manufacturer's instructions that accompany the dental chair. According to the Work Health and Safety Act, employees have a "duty of care" to prevent them from putting themselves or anyone in danger. The risk may be due to simple reasons such as non-compliance with the manufacturer's dental chair maintenance recommendations, which may result in attempts to perform inappropriate maintenance. In addition, if you do not follow the manufacturer's dental chair instructions, you may invalidate the warranty, which in turn leads to increased costs and increased risks. It may be necessary to establish and follow a maintenance system to ensure adequate maintenance of the dental chair .

3. Hand instruments

Most hand-held instruments for dental chair require no maintenance other than regular and effective cleaning. However, a frequent problem faced by dentists is that blunt instruments require maintenance in addition to cleaning. For a dental professional to perform surgery effectively, they need a sharp instrument to perform the surgery accurately to reduce fatigue and usually speed up the procedure.

Many tools of a dentist require sharpening, including probes, manual rust removers, excavators, chisels, and engraving machines. When sharpening the knife, care should be taken to avoid breaking fragile and fragile instruments, as this may cause injury to the patient.

4. Suction equipment

In order to maximize the efficiency and service life of the suction equipment for the dental chair, please follow the manufacturer’s maintenance and maintenance instructions. Effective cleaning products should be used every day and every week. Most dental chair and suction machine manufacturers recommend that qualified technicians carry out the machine every year service.

5. Electrical Equipment

In each practice, electrical equipment is different, but it can be said that its diversity and complexity are constantly growing. The core of any practice is its dental equipment including  the dental chair, which can be said to be the most critical electronic equipment in dentistry. In order to avoid catastrophic occurrence, it must be carefully maintained by professional and technical personnel together with other electrical equipment (such as radiographic cameras) and film processors (which should also be replaced with chemicals regularly).

Complete dental chair maintenance procedures are consistent with the good maintenance of hand surgery equipment. To ensure that patients are provided with efficient practices and high standards of service, the dental team must be adequately trained to ensure that they understand the correct use of dental chair, remain alert to potential failures, and can perform repairs as soon as possible to avoid further damage or damage. Cause potential harm by yourself, or patient..


Keeping these basic self-maintenance items makes it easier to perform simple dental chair maintenance tasks, and these tasks are small and manageable problems without letting them develop into more serious problems. In addition, keep manuals and invoices in a safe place to facilitate contact with the manufacturer in the event of serious problems with dental equipment repairs.




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