Auto Elisa Reader Clinical Hormone Analyzer Automated Elisa Processor
Introduction of auto elisa processor:
The Auto ELISA Processor WHYM401 is a sophisticated, fully automated detection system that seamlessly integrates various processes including sample addition, incubation, shaking, washing, and reading. This equipment finds extensive application in hospital laboratories, disease prevention and control centers, blood centers and banks, animal and plant inspection and quarantine institutions, scientific research institutions, university laboratories, and numerous other venues.
Features of auto elisa processor unit:
It utilizes the principle of pressure-based liquid detection for enhanced accuracy.
Incorporates TIP detection and clot detection functionality.
Boasts high-precision pipetting capabilities.
Features position sensing for real-time monitoring of the gripper's status.
Equipped with multi-spacing and multi-strength adjustable grippers, enabling it to adapt to and handle microplates and plate covers of varying sizes.
Dual thread control allows for simultaneous operation with the sampling arm without any interference.
UK: 419 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England.
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